Home 365
In our fast-paced, contemporary world, the art of enjoying one’s home has, regrettably, been lost. With the constant distractions of technology, social activities and demanding work schedules, many people find themselves spending less quality time at home. This is why I wrote the book! As a lifestyle specialist I show people “simple solutions to everyday situations’. My approach to this is not complicated nor fl ashy. My “How To” guide for daily living is produced in a monthly calendar format complete with recipes, checklists and a variety of activities for you to enjoy at home all year round.
About this creator
Robert E Blackmon
I’m Robert, AKA the lifestyle specialist. My mission is to teach you “simple solutions to everyday situations”. Food, fashion, DIY, travel and home organization are what I do. Let me help you problem solve. Use my examples as a guideline to living life your way!